Data Cloud でノーコードでAIモデルを作る

Data Cloud でノーコードでAIモデルを作る
新たに 新機能を加えた Einstein Studio が GA されます! Data Cloud に新たに Einstein Studio タブ が加わりました。 Data Cloud に アクセスできる ユーザーが 予測 AI モデルと 生成 AI モデルを構築、 接続、 管理できるようになります。 これらの 両モデルは、インテリジェント な意思決定を実現するために、 Salesforce Customer 360 アプリケーション にシームレス に 統合することができます。 訳 AI and Analytics Specialist, Salesforce, Ippei Komi Einstein Studioでは以前から、Amazon SageMaker または Google Vertex AI を使い、データサイエンティストが外部で構築されたモデルにユーザーが接続できるようになっていますが、今回のリリースで、すでにData Cloudを扱い慣れているデータスペシャリストやアナリストが、コードを書くことなく、クリックだけで予測モデルを構築できるなりました。 このブログでは、顧客離れの可能性を予測する例を使用して、Data ...

Build an AI Model With Clicks In Data Cloud

Bobby Brill 19. February 2024 Add Intelligence, Spring 24 2
Build an AI Model With Clicks In Data Cloud
The all new Einstein Studio tab in Data Cloud is now GA and will allow users with access to Data Cloud to build, connect, and manage their predictive and generative models. Models which can be seamlessly integrated into any Salesforce Customer 360 application for intelligent decision making. Previously Einstein Studio allowed users to connect to ...

Multi-level Account Hierarchy: Flatten, Aggregate, Join, Transform and Report!

Multi-level Account Hierarchy: Flatten, Aggregate, Join, Transform and Report!
In this use case, we will discuss how to leverage Recipes, hierarchical aggregations, and transformations in CRM Analytics to help a company “CRM Test Inc.” which has a complex multi-level account hierarchy in Salesforce without having a holistic view of all their accounts and child records (such as related opportunities, activities or any other custom ...

Comparison of Salesforce Analytics Tools

Comparison of Salesforce Analytics Tools
Over the years Salesforce has expanded the analytics tools and capabilities for customers to look at their data from Salesforce Operational Reporting (OR) also known as Lightning Reports & Dashboards to Tableau CRM (formerly Einstein Analytics) including Einstein Discovery and, with the latest analytics addition, Tableau. With the expansion, it can be a little difficult ...

Copy and Paste Widgets Across Dashboards

Copy and Paste Widgets Across Dashboards
With the Summer ’21 release, we introduced a long-awaited feature that should help you greatly with your productivity: copy-paste. This will help you reuse content built within the same dashboard but outside of it too! You read it right, the new copy-paste feature will work across dashboards, apps, and components allowing you to easily reuse ...