All you need to know about bindings


Bindings aka interactions is a popular topic, probably because they are so powerful. However, people also find it a bit difficult to approach. I’ve in several blogs and webinars covered this topic in great detail and thought it would be good to have a one-stop for getting to understand bindings.

Note: Find the official binding documentation on the Salesforce Help Pages.

A visual walkthrough and explanation of bindings

Note: If you want to look through the webinar with chapter options, check out this link.

Binding blogs

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1 thought on “All you need to know about bindings”

  • 1
    Kajal Rajkumar Badlani on June 15, 2023 Reply

    I have a result binding where we have like a,b,c,d dimensions and 1,2,3,4 as measures. Now we have appplied binding to get either 1 and 2 (or) 3 and 4 (or) 1,2,3,4 all together

    The issue is while calculating totals in SAQL., when the result binding returns 1 and 2 , i want to see column 1+ column 2 as totals

    How can i achieve this?

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