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But that's not my preferred currency

But that’s not my preferred currency

As you may have figured out Einstein Analytics does not support multi-currency out of the box. If you are an ... Read Blog
Driving analytics adoption by delivering value

Driving analytics adoption by delivering value

I think user adoption is a pretty universal concept in IT and working with Einstein Analytics is not any different ... Read Blog
A Look to the Future with Timeseries – Part 3

A Look to the Future with Timeseries – Part 3

In Winter 19 I did a two-part blog series on the (at that time) new SAQL timeseries statement. Yesterday I ... Read Blog
A Combo-Chart Hack

A Combo-Chart Hack

Sometimes you have a really great idea for a chart. You know exactly what you want, you have the calculations ... Read Blog
Einstein Analytics: Demystifying Bindings – Part 9

Einstein Analytics: Demystifying Bindings – Part 9

In the past 8 blogs of this blog series, we have covered a lot of ground. We started out looking ... Read Blog
Einstein Analytics: Demystifying Bindings – Part 8

Einstein Analytics: Demystifying Bindings – Part 8

This blog series has almost come to an end. From part 1 of this blog series I have tried to ... Read Blog
Einstein Analytics: Demystifying Bindings – Part 7

Einstein Analytics: Demystifying Bindings – Part 7

When we build dashboards and show the dashboard to end users they have an expectation to see data in a ... Read Blog
Advanced Map Exploration

Advanced Map Exploration

Maps are great on a dashboard. Why? Well, the brain can easily decode a map as all the data is ... Read Blog
Einstein Analytics: Demystifying Bindings – Part 6

Einstein Analytics: Demystifying Bindings – Part 6

If you have been looking at some of my other blogs, you might know I love the compare table functionality, ... Read Blog


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