Einstein Discovery – Bring Your Own Model Deep Dive

Einstein Discovery – Bring Your Own Model Deep Dive
Einstein Discovery machine learning helps you build powerful predictive models on your data using clicks, not code. With a simple, wizard-driven interface, you have the ability to rapidly create insights and predictive models. Einstein Discovery utilizes a number of industry-standard algorithms to facilitate building models, these include: GLM (linear and logistic regression) GBM (Gradient Boost ...

Text Clustering in Einstein Discovery

Text Clustering in Einstein Discovery
It is common to build and deploy supervised machine learning models that are generally comprised of tabular datasets with numerical, categorical, and temporal (date/time) variables. Often though, there may be additional value to be gained by augmenting the model with insights derived from unstructured data (text). Some common examples of unstructured text in this context ...

Tree-Based Learning Algorithms in Einstein Discovery

🇯🇵 Read in Japanese (Updated 2/10/21) The primary goal of this blog post is to provide technical information on the addition of tree-based machine learning (ML) algorithms to Einstein Discovery. This article helps readers understand the capabilities, benefits, and details of ensemble (tree-based) algorithms in Einstein Discovery. Tree-based algorithms go beyond Einstein Discovery’s traditional focus ...