Estimate Propensity to Buy with Einstein Discovery to improve sales excellence

In order to satisfy increasingly diversified customer demands, product and service portfolios are steadily becoming larger. B2B and B2C companies are expected to guide their customers to the best fitting bundle in their large panoply of products. Predicting the likelihood of a customer or prospect purchasing a particular product is essential and requires a deep ...

The Delicacy of Accuracy: A Deep Dive on Classification Performance

The accuracy of Machine Learning models gives rise to one of the most confusing discussions in the world of Machine Learning. There are multiple reasons for that. First, many different performance metrics are used, which makes fair comparisons and transparent discussions hard. Secondly, expectations are often unrealistically high, caused by extremely overblown media coverage of ...

Managing Einstein Discovery Models in the Wild

You created a story in Einstein Discovery. You measured its model’s accuracy. Then you made some necessary improvements. The model you deployed is now bringing predictions and recommendations right to your users’ fingertips. You’re pretty satisfied with what you achieved. Cool, you’re done. Your model is out in the wild now. Onto the next adventure, ...

An introduction to the data manager

Working with Einstein Analytics I often hear people finding the data manager the most challenging part to learn. Perhaps because when people work with dashboards in core Salesforce we don’t have to shape our data the same way, we simply need to understand what objects we want to use in our report or dashboard. There ...

Preparing Your Data For Einstein Discovery

Einstein Discovery is AI-powered analytics that enables business users to automatically discover relevant patterns based on their data – without having to build sophisticated data models. However, Einstein Discovery is only as good as the historical data it is analyzing. Wrangling the data, which is always the hardest part, involves cleaning and consolidating your historical ...