Deleting custom maps

Custom maps are great! I love how you can simply visualize your data in any given way – I’ve previously covered maps with some examples – see here. But some times you may want to delete custom maps; some might be too large and you made a more optimized version or your sales regions have ...

A Combo-Chart Hack

Sometimes you have a really great idea for a chart. You know exactly what you want, you have the calculations ready only to realize that the specific chart in mind does not 100% support what you want to do. It’s a typical use case that pops up on a regular basis. A few weeks ago ...

Advanced Map Exploration

Maps are great on a dashboard. Why? Well, the brain can easily decode a map as all the data is visual, no text is needed to understand the data story. This is why I think maps should be used in Einstein Analytics. You probably already know that Einstein Analytics comes with some out of the ...

Colors, labels, values – oh my!

You might have heard of ‘XMD’ working with Einstein Analytics. But do you know what it is? First of all, XMD stands for ‘Extended Metadata’ and it a set of instructions that defines how a user visually see your dataset. Meaning once you apply these instructions every lens or dashboard leveraging this dataset will see ...

Fundamentals of Communication

Last weekend was a bank holiday in the UK and for once the weather was actually decent. So I decided to have a relaxing day in the park with a couple of books; one of them explaining how to do storytelling with data. On the very first page, it says “Nobody sets out to make ...