The complete guide to Einstein Discovery model deployments

The complete guide to Einstein Discovery model deployments
Einstein Discovery drives business value for companies by eliminating friction in using machine learning, and maximizing its time-to-value. It is designed to facilitate every step of the journey towards operationalizing Machine Learning in the workspace, in a safe, ethical and most of all practical and easy way. This applies training the model and interpreting the Story, but it ...

Managing Einstein Discovery Models in the Wild

You created a story in Einstein Discovery. You measured its model’s accuracy. Then you made some necessary improvements. The model you deployed is now bringing predictions and recommendations right to your users’ fingertips. You’re pretty satisfied with what you achieved. Cool, you’re done. Your model is out in the wild now. Onto the next adventure, ...

Take your Einstein Discovery model from Good to Great

🇯🇵 Read in Japanese Einstein Discovery accelerates the embedding of augmented analytics in a business user’s work environment. The predictive models are created by the platform using a “No Code AI Approach”, which means that the algorithms to train these models are part of the solution, and don’t need to be coded by advanced developers ...