Einstein Analytics: A robust approach for performing period over period analysis (using a single date picker)

Einstein Analytics dashboard pattern for dynamic Period over Period Analysis using a single date picker. Highlights: * Works with a single standard date widget * Works with absolute dates * Works with relative date bonus Allows switching between \"current period vs. prior period\" (example: Jan-Feb 2019 vs. Nov-Dec 2018) & \"current period vs same period prior year\" (example: Jan-Feb 2019 vs. Jan-Feb 2018)

SAQL simply explained – Part 1

When we create dashboards in Einstein Analytics most of us rely on the UI. In the dashboard editor, we click “New Step” select our dataset, define the measure and a grouping whereafter we add it to the dashboard. In other words, with point and click, we can create a great dashboard that gives insight into the data. ...

A Combo-Chart Hack

Sometimes you have a really great idea for a chart. You know exactly what you want, you have the calculations ready only to realize that the specific chart in mind does not 100% support what you want to do. It’s a typical use case that pops up on a regular basis. A few weeks ago ...