Accelerate Communication Cloud Analytics with a New Templated App

Accelerate Communication Cloud Analytics with a New Templated App
The communications industry is hyper-competitive, going through significant changes such as increased customer expectations, accelerated digitization, and new technology like 5G and IoT. We’re at a time where connectivity is becoming a commodity, and communication service providers (CSPs) are investing in technologies that will help them provide differentiated experiences, which historically has been a challenge ...

Copy and Paste Widgets Across Dashboards

Copy and Paste Widgets Across Dashboards
With the Summer ’21 release, we introduced a long-awaited feature that should help you greatly with your productivity: copy-paste. This will help you reuse content built within the same dashboard but outside of it too! You read it right, the new copy-paste feature will work across dashboards, apps, and components allowing you to easily reuse ...

Inline Editing for Salesforce Reports

Inline Editing for Salesforce Reports
Hello Trailblazers, Up until now, reporting was primarily a view-only tool. You mainly built Salesforce reports to visualize your data in different forms, slice and dice the data, add charts to it, and build dashboards. But as we think about what’s next for reports, what if we were to reimagine the entire concept of reporting? ...

A Binding Decision Tree

A Binding Decision Tree
My binding blogs seem to be some of the most popular content on my blog. It is also one of the topics I get the most questions about. So I’ve been thinking, how do I make it easier for people to understand? And I thought “what about a decision tree?”. So I created one… Scope ...

A SAQL Cogrouping Hack

Some of my blogs are inspired by questions or use cases that I encounter when working with Tableau CRM. In the past month, I’ve had the same question around joining two datasets in a query; one dataset is grouped by two dimensions, but the other dataset is missing one of those dimensions, hence the question ...