Tree-Based Learning Algorithms in Einstein Discovery

🇯🇵 Read in Japanese (Updated 2/10/21) The primary goal of this blog post is to provide technical information on the addition of tree-based machine learning (ML) algorithms to Einstein Discovery. This article helps readers understand the capabilities, benefits, and details of ensemble (tree-based) algorithms in Einstein Discovery. Tree-based algorithms go beyond Einstein Discovery’s traditional focus ...

The Delicacy of Accuracy: A Deep Dive on Classification Performance

The accuracy of Machine Learning models gives rise to one of the most confusing discussions in the world of Machine Learning. There are multiple reasons for that. First, many different performance metrics are used, which makes fair comparisons and transparent discussions hard. Secondly, expectations are often unrealistically high, caused by extremely overblown media coverage of ...

Einstein Discovery: How good is my model really?

Olfa Kharrat 17. September 2019 Add Intelligence, Summer 19 9
🇯🇵 Read in Japanese As artificial intelligence, and specifically machine learning, is conquering today’s business world, a new way of human machine interaction enters our professional lives. We are more and more guided by predictive models that prioritise our work and give recommendations to improve our business. Once widely adopted, this embedding of so-called augmented ...