Summer, Blue Skies & New Einstein Analytics Features

Rikke Hovgaard 04. June 2018 Summer 18 5
Summer always has a lot of wonderful activities and when we look at the Salesforce world this includes the Summer 18 release. Some were lucky to get access to the Summer 18 features this past weekend while others may have to be patient for a little while longer. Regardless I thought I would as usual sum ...

Fundamentals of Communication

Last weekend was a bank holiday in the UK and for once the weather was actually decent. So I decided to have a relaxing day in the park with a couple of books; one of them explaining how to do storytelling with data. On the very first page, it says “Nobody sets out to make ...

DreamOlé with a flavor of Einstein Analytics

DreamOlé… Sun, Spanish omelet, sangria, and Salesforce… What’s not to like about this amazing community event? And on top of that, I get to put a flavor of Einstein Analytics on this event with my session ‘Einstein Analytics, Art of the Possible’! At 15.45 in Montjuïc I have my session where I will try to inspire ...

My most used computeExpression

One thing I cannot control in the Einstein Analytics UI is the sorting of the values. It’s either alphabetically or descending/ascending values, which do make sense. Now, most of the times that’s all good, just not when you are dealing with values that happen in a certain order. As an example, I can mention opportunity ...

That Thing Called columnMap

Note: it is now possible to bind to columnMap, check out more in this blog. You can still set columnMap to null as described in this blog. With Salesforce’s Spring 18 release they introduced a new parameter in the Dashboard JSON called columnMap. While Salesforce has good reasons to introduce this – more on this ...

The Buzz Word ‘GDPR’

Rikke Hovgaard 10. April 2018 Marketing, Spring 18 2
If you are involved in any technology implementation or if you store any data about your contacts I am sure you have heard the word “GDPR”. Implementing marketing automation solutions and working in Europe I sure have heard of “GDPR”. When I heard the word the very first time I thought, I don’t have to ...